Assignemnt #Project and Longer Bigger Adventure
///Name: Ben Borglin
///Period: 6
///Program Name: Longer Bigger Adventure
///File Name:
///Date finished: 10/15/15
import java.util.Scanner;
public class bigAdv
public static void main( String[] args )
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String unlock, ask, kill, fight, run, Rm1, Rm2, Rm3, jump, talk, Rm4, Rm5, surrender, run2, narwal, shotgun, Rm6, Rm7, ally, killr, Rm8, fullup, runnn, Rm9, no, unlock2, Rm10, gfight, sneak, takeit, getout, Rm11, Q1;
System.out.println("Welcome to C-B C (cell block C)");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("You were placed in a high sercurity prison. Why? (yes or idc)");
Q1 =;
if (Q1.equals("yes"))
System.out.println("You were framed by a man named Carlos.");
System.out.println("He killed you wife because you took his job and stole his wife.");
else if(Q1.equals("idc"))
System.out.println("Ok then we will continue.");
System.out.println("All you need to know is that you're a good man and you're not suppose to be here.");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("You goal is break out of C-block and head to the Wardon. He is your friend, ");
System.out.println("but watch out he is always listened upon so he can't help you verbally.");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("Lets start you adventure shall we?");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("There is a blackout and backup-generators are out of fuel because ");
System.out.println("there has been harsh weather in the past month on planet Venus.");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("Taking this to your advantage... Do you want to unlock the lock or ask the guard or kill ");
System.out.println("the rommate that has the key.");
Rm1 =;
if (Rm1.equals("unlock"))
System.out.println("It took you 5 minutes to unlock it and the guard sees you.");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("Do you want to fight him or run away.");
Rm2 =;
if (Rm2.equals("fight"))
System.out.println("This guard was overweight so you should have ran.");
System.out.println("Anyways mistakes were made.");
System.out.println("With a broken arm and bruised ribs you will not be as fast.");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("You notice that behind you is Carlos.");
System.out.println("Carlos has a small dagger and is covered in blood and poop.");
System.out.println("You, with the materials from the guard want to fight him or ");
System.out.println("run to the south exit towards the Wardon. (tWardon or fight2)");
Rm3 =;
if (Rm3.equals("tWardon"))
System.out.println("You decision was correct based on the next one.");
System.out.println(" ");
System.out.println("You know Carlos is going to eventully catch you but you don't know when.");
System.out.println("You make it to the Wardon but he says he will not help you.");
System.out.println("Either jump out the window or keep trying to convinvce him?");
Rm4 =;
if (Rm4.equals("jump"))
System.out.println("It is a 40ft drop and you break your legs and soon captured.");
System.out.println("You should have remembered that the Wardon likes to joke...");
else if (Rm4.equals("talk"))
System.out.println("Good you remembered that the Wardon likes to joke.");
System.out.println("You make it out successfully.");
else if (Rm3.equals("fight2"))
System.out.println("Carlos is a trained fighter meaning you have no chance.");
System.out.println("You throw the first punch and got knocked on your butt");
System.out.println("You were killed shortly after.");
else if (Rm2.equals("run"))
System.out.println("You run and run.");
System.out.println("The lights turn back on and more guards start running your way.");
System.out.println("Do you wish to surrender to them or run away.");
Rm5 =;
if (Rm5.equals("run2"))
System.out.println("You realise the guards were running to a massive riot behind you.");
System.out.println("You soon get trampled and died shortly after.");
else if (Rm5.equals("surrender"))
System.out.println("The guards headed to a massive riot happening right behind you.");
System.out.println("Strait ahead was an open door.");
System.out.println("You sprint for it, but once you get there a magically dragon shows up.");
System.out.println("On top of this magical dragon is ted the teddy bear.");
System.out.println("He knows who you are and you fly away with him.");
else if (Rm1.equals("ask"))
System.out.println("You ask the guard for the keys and of course he says 'no' ");
System.out.println("Before he can walk away you grab him by the neck and kill him.");
System.out.println("Taking his keys to get out you notice two objects a shotgun and a narwal.");
Rm6 =;
if (Rm6.equals("shotgun"))
System.out.println("Once you pick up the shotgun you go on a rampage killing everything in your path.");
System.out.println("Plowing threw everything you see you run out of bullets very fast.");
System.out.println("Right when you bullets ran out you have to make a choice whether to kill your");
System.out.println("rommate or run down a ally.");
System.out.println("'killr' or 'ally'");
Rm7 =;
if (Rm7.equals("ally"))
System.out.println("The ally leads to a dead end and you were captured once again.");
else if (Rm7.equals("killr"))
System.out.println("Your rommate was holding maps and infomation about the prison.");
System.out.println("You successfully got out.");
else if(Rm6.equals("narwal"))
System.out.println("I don't understand the people that wouldn't pick this...");
System.out.println("Your narwals kills every guard and every inmate.");
System.out.println("This narwal is running out of gas, but there is a ton of natives coming to");
System.out.println("Hunt you down.");
System.out.println("Either 'fullup' or 'runnn'!");
Rm8 =;
if (Rm8.equals("fullup"))
System.out.println("The natives catch you, but little do they know the narwal has friends.");
System.out.println("You successfully escape the native ambush.");
else if (Rm8.equals("runnn"))
System.out.println("The narwal ran out of gas faster then you expected and you were stranded");
System.out.println("In space.");
else if (Rm1.equals("kill"))
System.out.println("Killing your rommate attracted unwanted attention.");
System.out.println("By killing him you recieved a map of the prison and a pair of keys.");
System.out.println("You used the keys as fast as possible to get out.");
System.out.println("Other inmates are begging for you to unlock them too.");
System.out.println("Either 'unlock2' the other inmates or say 'no' to them.");
Rm9 =;
if (Rm9.equals("unlock2"))
System.out.println("These other inmates decided to help you.");
System.out.println("Guards quickly assemble to attack your group.");
System.out.println("Do you wish to 'gfight' or 'sneak' away?");
Rm10 =;
if (Rm10.equals("gfight"))
System.out.println("Your group was out numbered and out armed and were soon defeated.");
else if (Rm10.equals("sneak"))
System.out.println("Using the map you aquired you snuck away safely out of the prison.");
else if (Rm9.equals("no"))
System.out.println("The guards find you telling the inmates to shut-up.");
System.out.println("As you sprint from the guards an opportunity to have sex with Madison Ivy.");
System.out.println("'takeit' this opportunity or 'getout' of the prison?");
Rm11 =;
if (Rm11.equals("takeit"))
System.out.println("Good you got your head screwed on right.");
System.out.println("You were captured but with a smile on your face.");
else if (Rm11.equals("getout"))
System.out.println("You are so dumb....");
System.out.println("Good job... yea.... you got out but...");
System.out.println("Madison doe..!?");
Picture of the output